

I am writing to thank you on behalf of my daughter Devonne, for the wonderful show you put on for her 7th Birthday. You definitely outperformed all our expectations and have made Devonne one of the most popular children in her year, for having the best birthday party ever.

I have never known children's parents phone up the host the following day to say howmuch their children enjoyed a party, and yest on Sunday I received three such calls.

Devonne's grandparents also thought you were fantastic - and that's praise indeed!

Once again thank you, you're a star.

Melanie Matten, Brighton

Please note: Howie Duzzit is a new character created by Doug Roberts. Many of these testimonials refer to another of Doug's magical characters, Potty the Pirate.

Of course, you can rest assured that Howie Duzzit is equally hilarious and entertaining!


Hi Doug, thank you so much for your show yesterday, at David's Party. Everybody really enjoyed it, kids and parents alike. I know you made David feel really special, and made his day. Cannot thank you enough.

Regards, Ian & Christine Chandler

Organising a party for 25+ mixed age kids can be pretty stressful, but once Potty started to weave his magic, all our stress evaporated - leaving us to actually enjoy ourselves. If I'd known how good hi is, I'd have stopped stressing fromt he moment we booked him! Great act, great rops, and a great ability to engage a room full of kids - even during the party tea. My daughter absolutely loved her party, and loads of other parents said the same of their kids. Unforgettable, and I doubt we'll ever top it!

Phil Black


Thank you for entertaining our children again this year at our Christmas Party. You seemed to have a queue throughout the hour before lunch for balloon modelling and some of the children thought it far more important to wait for their balloon than visit Father Christmas! Then your show after lunch was absolutely superb - we couldn't believe the sounds of laughter and delight coming from all the youngsters......including the adults.

Well done and thank you so much.

Best wishes for Christmas and a happy New Year Kind regards, Kim (West Sussex Golf Club)


A huge thank you for yesterday. The boys had such a great time and you were amazing with them. Miller can be quite awkward and shy (although I'm not sure you'd know it when he has his posse around him!) so I was really impressed he was happy to go on the stage with you - he would never normally do anything like that so it's a testament to how at ease you made him feel - I think it helped that he saw you a bit before the show. My youngest, and rowdiest!, Herbie, also loved every minute of it - he hasn't stopped talking about you!

My husband Jeff enjoyed it as much as the children! He's desperrate for a flaming wallet now!

Thak you also for the great balloons - Miller said it was his favourite birhtday present!

I hope you recovered and enjoyed a relaxing evening. I honestly don't know how you do it! I was exhausted just watching it all!

Thanks again and I'll be sure to recommend you wherever I can.

Best wishes, Anna Phillips


Thank you on behalf of Lindfield Primary School PTA for your wonderful show last week. The children loved it and were engaged throughout - no mean feat for 150 primary school children! You were prompt, polite, friendly and very organised. I would be happy to recommend you to other primary schools, if requested, and also to my friends for birthday parties.

Thanks again, Catherine Cole, Lindfield PTA Chair


A huge thank you for the party on Saturday, the kids (and parents) all absolutely loved the magic show and the party was a great success. The balloons were fab and I was really impressed by the way that you managed to keep 25 four year olds engaged and focused - well done. Harry had a fantastic time and is already asking if you will come to his party next year.

Kind regards Sarah Ockenden


Thank you for entertaining the children so wonderfully at Tom and Callums birthday party. Potty Pirate has been the talk of the playground for the last 2 weeks.

The boys had a wonderful time and the sight of Tom's face when he saw the giant magic wand will stay with me forever. Thank you again, Claire Jackson


Thanks again for a brilliant party. Finlay had a fantastic time and is still talking about it! He is such a shy little boy and it was lovely to see him get up with you and join in wholeheartedly.

I have also heard from a few parents who have been told how wonderful you were from their children. Thank you! Annika Larks


What a fantastic pirate you are! 28 degree heat in a village hall on a Saturday afternoon with a group of 5 year olds, parents and granddad parents glued to a fun packed show. We would have no hesitation in recommending you to family and friends. Worth every penny.

Simon Strudwick (Uckfield)


Dear Potty, ;thank you so much for Saturday. Amelia has a brilliant party and the parents enjoyed it too!

Kind regards, Sarah Beels